Dashboard Creation
Below notes is my quick overview helps in creating the dashboard (reports) (mostly for SQL 2005, SSRS 2005) and in particular to decision making.
- To deliver information for (day-to-day) decision making
- Real time business intelligence. Snapshots of KPIs, Trend Graphs, Ad-hoc Reports and more ...
- With drill down capability, summary levels to detail levels for better results.
Below Steps can be used for quickly building the dashboard
Step 1: Identify and choose the data to be displayed.
- Data sources, connection strings
- Source Tables, Columns, its data types
- Prepare the list of calculations, grouping, where conditions or other statements like case
- Any other important SQL information
Step 2: Choose Layout
- Design on paper first or atleast the rough sketch
- For charts, consider titles, legends, colors, heading, details, type - atleast select bar or pie to start with, later we can change
- Grids - headings, rows, column groupings, aggregations - totals / sums, % variances, % calculations, Period / dates and more ... purely derive from BA and Data. Create a mockup in Excel, easy and then we can go get the same from SQL.
Step 3: Data Conversion
- Pick the data sources. If only one, it is simple and no need to worry about linking.
- Prepare the data for report so that it can be used. For ex: which goes to x-axis, y-axis, series ...
- Configuration / parameter details
- Integration w/ other data sets
Step 4: Paper design of layout
Paper design of layout - Grid / Chart / both
Step 5: Getting together
Put data & layout together --> w/ report data, datasets & parameters. Resources --> embedded images. Write Unit test.
"Intermediate result and presentation is ready"
Step 6: Conceptualize plan of interactivity
For better readability, usability with different modules.
Step 7: Data for Interactive Dashboard
Test with integration by developer.
Step 8: Interactive Dashboard
with Business Users. Run through the requirements, colors, look & feel, interactivity.
Enjoy the dashboard!!!
- Performance
- Executive
- Metrics
- Analytics (BI)
Design considerations
- Zoomable or go to details of data
- #1. Put the user first
- #2. Right medium: Graph / Chart ... for better communication & to what level
- #3. Color selection
- #4. Layout optimization
- #5. Keep dashboards to one page (for executives)